NousRandom -- Intelligent Randomness
Random Character and Symbol Passwords
! # ( ) - . @ _
! # + - : _
- _
Random Character Passwords
How Many to Generate is how many different passwords to generate. After generating, look at them and see which one is most preferable. A page refresh of the results page will generate a new set. (Max 10,000)
Minimum Length and Maximum Length specifies how many characters should be in each password. The length of each password is randomized within these limits. Set identical for a fixed length. (Max 8192)
Full ASCII Alphabet uses all letters of the english alphabet.
Alphabet Excluding iIloOQB will not use these letters when generating the password. These letters are often confused with each other and the numbers 1 and 0, especially with san serif fonts. Capital B can be confused with the number 8.
Do Not Use Alphabet Letters excludes the entire alphabet. The password will have only numbers and/or symbols.
Upper and Lower Case Letters will randomly choose letters to be upper or lower case.
Lower Case Letters all letters lower case.
Upper Case Letters all letters UPPER CASE
Use All Numbers includes 0 to 9 randomly
Numbers Excluding 1 and 0 includes numbers 2-9 randomly. Avoids confusion with the letters l, I, and O.
Do Not Use Numbers excludes digits 0-9.
Copyright 2016 Scott Michael Doctor
NousMind, NousCrypt, and NousRandom are trademarks of Scott Michael Doctor
Patents Pending
Symbol Set 1 randomly includes the symbols  ! # ( ) - . @ _   These symbols are defined as acceptable characters for use in ID's and passwords by the IBM Knowledge Center.
Symbol Sets 2-4 randomly includes the indicated symbols. These sets are derived from  examining the acceptable symbol characters from a large variety of login specifications to create universally acceptable sets. Be sure to check the requirements for the system you are accessing whether these symbols are acceptable.
Do Not Use Symbols excludes all non alphanumeric symbols.
No HTML suppresses sending HTML wrapper tags. HTML tags enable proper display in a web browser. HTML tags are never used when the numbers are sent as a file.
Send as Text File sends the numbers as a text file instead of sending as a web page.
Creates passwords from random characters and symbols. The generated passwords will always begin with a letter, which is a requirement of most password based systems, except if the option to not use letters is selected.